Item Coversheet
City of Farmington
430 Third Street
Farmington, Minnesota
651.280.6800  - Fax 651.280.6899
TO:Farmington Parks and Recreation Commission Members
FROM:Randy Distad, Parks and Recreation Director

2040 Comprehensive Plan


May 17, 2017


At the April 12, 2017 meeting a discussion occurred about the city's comprehensive plan being updated. A brief review of the 2030 Park and Recreation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan occurred. 


Staff shared the city was going  through a Request for Proposal process to hire a consultant to help the city write the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  However, due to budget constraints there wasn't any funding included to cover the $30,000 to $40,000 estimated cost to update the Parks and Recreation Chapter of the comprehensive plan.  Instead, the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Chapter would be updated and written in-house by staff with input from and review by the Rambling River Center Advisory Board and Park and Recreation Commission. 


Since the last Commission meeting, the city hired Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGI) to assist the city with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  Staff is working on a schedule with HKGI and hopes to be able to provide this schedule at the Commission meeting.  HKGI will be holding a couple of open houses for the public to participate in.  The open house will include receiving input from the public on what it desires to see in the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Chapter.  Until the open houses occur, there will only be minor updates to the chapter.  I have included in the meeting packet several pages that have been updated.  A request is being made to have the Commission review the pages that have been updated and then provide any revisions it may wish to make.


The current map showing future parks, open space and trails has also been included in the meeting packet.  The Commission should review this map to make sure the proposed locations for parks, open space and trails are correctly identified and then come prepared to further discuss this map as it relates to it being part of the 2040 Park and Recreation Chapter.

Backup MaterialMap Future Park, Open Space and Trails
Backup MaterialDraft 2040 Comp Plan Items