Item Coversheet
TO:Mayor, Councilmembers and City Administrator
FROM:David McKnight, City Administrator

City Council Vacancy and Appointment


January 4, 2021

With the election of Councilmember Hoyt to the position of mayor, a vacancy exists on the city council.  There are two years remaining on the city council term that will run through December 31, 2022.

The city council decided upon an application process to fill the vacancy.  Eight residents applied for the vacancy and were interviewed by the city council in December 2020.  Four candidates were brought back for a second interview and from that group the city council has selected Joy Pearson to fill the city council vacancy.  Joy has started her orientation process with city staff and is excited to take her seat along with the other city councilmembers.


A motion should be made that declares that a vacancy exists on the city council with the election of Joshua Hoyt as mayor and Joy Pearson is appointed to the city council to fill the city council vacancy that will run through December 31, 2022.


Once the city council approves the appointment, the oath of office can be administered to Councilmember Pearson.